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Tptb is a Nominet Channel Partner and Open-SRS reseller. Domains are supplied on an ad-hoc basis at our discretion. Compliance information is below

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Postal address

  • 5 Janes Court
  • The Packet Quays
  • Falmouth
  • Cornwall
  • TR11 2BZ

Phone Number

  • 07785 381706

Contact Emails

  • General: contact at
  • Abuse: abuse at

Customer Service Commitments

Please contact Grahame Davies using one of the contact methods above. We will to respond to all points of contact within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues you have within 5 business days.

If you wish to raise a complaint about abuse you have received (phishing scams, spam emails etc), please contact us at abuse (email address above) with as much detail about the abuse. We will commence to investigate your complaint within 1 business day.

Complaints and escalation process (detailing time frame)

Here at Tptb we like to think we get it right all the time, every time but the truth of it is everyone gets it wrong from time to time. We can only improve on our services with valid feedback from you, our customers. If you wish to make a complaint about a service you have received, please submit an email to us (email addresses above) including as much detail from the issue you have. We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 5 business days.

If you are not happy with the initial outcome of your complaint, than please feel free to escalate your issue to Nominet (the .uk registry) here: Nominet escalation

T&Cs for registrants including Nominets domain name registration T&Cs: Nominet T&Cs

Contractual headlines

  • There are no charges for registration, renewal, and maintenance
  • There are no ongoing charges
  • There are no charges for transferring a domain
  • There is no term limit or notice period for moving a domain
  • There is no guarantee of availability of any hosting, dns, email or other service
  • All domains due to be expire will be renewed automatically unless customers instruct us otherwise
  • .UK Domains that expire can still be renewed for up to 90 days past their expiry date as long as they are on our Nominet TAG