Consulting services are often short term assignments for particular projects e.g. WEb site performance, technical / commercial due dillegence. However, where these take on a wider remit, e.g. mentoring at Board Level, they may well run for many months at 1-2 days per month. Non-executive positions are more formal appointments with a long term expectation from both parties but without the ties of an overly restrictive contract. Investments are, naturally, entered into on a case by case basis.
These often take a more narrow focus than non-executive posts. Common project request include sales and marketing initiatives, strategic value building, HR analysis and corporate governance.
In particular I offer specialist consulting for small business (up to £10m) with online services or e-commerce websites.
These are varied but an example is a 3 year post at a family run business in Scotland where I acted as the the only non-executive director. I joined as the company entered a 3 year plan to build value and exit some, or all, of the family shareholding. With my involvement, the business was strategically re-focussed on its goals, streamlined, achieved a tripling of sales and had appropriate reporting put in place. The company achieved a pleasing multiple on its EBITDA in excess of the target set, exited some shares and some executives stayed with the acquirer and are heading towards a £100m business.
Investing opportunities considered include equity and convertible debt for pre and post-revenue companies. They are not tied to any requirement to be on the board or an advisory panel but good information flow with an open style of interaction with shareholders is favoured. Existing investments are confidential but can be discussed under an appropriate Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Tptb Ltd provide mail and web domains on a limited committment basis. Generally these are at no charge. We reserve the right to make a charge giving 90 days notice. We guarantee to respond to customer requests within 1 working day. For abuse complaints please contact